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Polypropylene strapping tape

Polypropylene strapping tape is used for fastening and tying moderately heavy packages or for securing goods to a pallet. We offer strong high-quality polypropylene tape, as well as buckles for connecting it.


Technical parameters of the most popular in stock PP tape:

Width (mm): Thickness (mm): Breaking strength (kg): Colour:
12 0,80 230 White
15 0,80 270 White

We also offer PP tape of other technical parameters.

We can also offer customized polypropylene strapping tape with your company’s logo or other graphic information. For customized orders, the minimum order quantity is 2 pallets.


Įmonė stabiliai veikia Lietuvos rinkoje, tenkindama skirtingų klientų poreikius. Turime ilgalaikę patirtį maišų prekybos srityje, todėl esame pasirengę bendradarbiavimui.


UAB Packmak

Adresas: Raudondvario pl. 135, LT-47192, Kaunas

Tel.: +370 37 366 400

El. paštas: info@packmak.lt

Darbo laikas: I-V 8-17 val.
(Pietų pertrauka: 12:00-13:00 val.)

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