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Polyethylene bags 15-50kg

We manufacture custom made produce polyethylene (LDPE) bags.


These bags:

  • are designed for packaging bulk and dust-producing products in the food, chemical, construction and peat industries;
  • may be with or without side dents;
  • can be made of coloured or white film, with or without various additional details;
  • can have printing in up to 5 colours on one or both sides;
  • have an ultra-high resolution printing option;
  • are suitable for packaging food products;
  • are UN certified as suitable for packing hazardous materials;
  • can be perforated;
  • may include antislippers.

Įmonė stabiliai veikia Lietuvos rinkoje, tenkindama skirtingų klientų poreikius. Turime ilgalaikę patirtį maišų prekybos srityje, todėl esame pasirengę bendradarbiavimui.


UAB Packmak

Adresas: Raudondvario pl. 135, LT-47192, Kaunas

Tel.: +370 37 366 400

El. paštas: info@packmak.lt

Darbo laikas: I-V 8-17 val.
(Pietų pertrauka: 12:00-13:00 val.)

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